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碧潭_回程捷運上 碧潭_吊橋下玩噴水 碧潭_踩船 碧潭_玩伴 朋友家說故事 士林官邸 04 signing the cards the angel hat messy play box 04 messy play box 01

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家庭美術教室_彩墨畫篇 家庭美術教室_吹畫篇 2008 Nov 073 阿嬤教我認名字 2008 Nov 078 六個月孕婦爬草嶺古道 2008 Nov 026 2008 Nov 042

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腳踏車萬能 寄放在約克某倉庫的家當 士林雙溪河畔 大口吃蛋糕 穎穎與阿嬤 IMGP1973 四歲剝四顆蛋 四歲生日宴 準備上學去 揹睡袋上學

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容容要求買的髮夾 摘自幼稚園的園圃 約克街頭,與座騎合照 剛好裝一箱,機票不用買了

約克Heslington查理八世酒吧 英式酒吧內的食物 CIMG0266 孩子們做的禮物 歡聚一堂

playing at Loch Ness what he was making YH Aviemore 與玲穎 小車站的候車室

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IMGP0621_s 積木新作 容容堆積木新作 IMGP0528_s IMGP0539_s IMGP0541_s


York Minster IMGP0600_s City wall, York IMGP0505_s IMGP0507_s City wall, York York Minster colour glass 約克城內的街道 IMGP0600_s York Wheel 約克的街頭表演


大同電鍋當火鍋 除夕圍爐 除夕酸菜白肉鍋 除夕甜點 初一晚餐 初一清粥小菜早餐 初二英式早餐 英式早餐的熱盤 燻鮭魚捲蜜瓜 初二晚餐 恭喜發財、大吉大利 自製黑糖糕


IMGP0581_s IMGP0584_s IMGP0590_s IMGP0592_s IMGP0593_s IMGP0600_s

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Rowntree ParkRowntree Park Flooding

 Rowntree park 騎新車回家 The roof of Clifford Tower View from the roof of Clifford Tower Inside the Clifford Tower IMGP0462_s York Minster National Railway Museum Railway Museum
圓山兒童育樂中心 IMGP0416 IMGP0413 坐火車 IMGP0390 IMGP0389_s 阿嬤的亭仔腳 溜滑梯 IMGP0383_s 坐摩天輪 旋轉木馬

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提拉米蘇紅豆沙西谷米布丁SSM15074SSM15073a good painting placepaintdinner with friendseat by handshow to eatread me a bookthe hair band really suit himplaying with lightlittle builderplaying with ballon

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農場的狗 green people 是什麼呢? Making bird box on Green Fair two heads 玩水

the wall garden SSM14949 SSM14953 SSM14955 農夫親自導覽。 SSM14937 SSM14939 a pear tree on wall pears in the tree cherry trees on wall 農場的狗 Leigh Court Farm

Christmas Steps a bridge green people 很愛玩水 摸水 玩水  碼頭邊午餐 floating harbour Bristol broad quay of Bristol 遊艇碼頭 feet and.... Our bird box Making bird box on Green Fair to place the bird box bird box in a tree to place the bird box

是什麼呢? 排積木 我常常去看蝌蚪 這就是我最常去的庭園 紙捲好玩 蓋房子 我也是屬螞蟻的 爸爸不是要餵我嗎?                   

Date biscute fried banana with yogurt milk jelly with berriesgrilled peach with strawberry sauce roll with jam two heads salmon head soup with tofu and miso paste

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a cutted treeI can hold a umbrellamy figured timetableRong and Mamdad and son爸爸幫我剪頭髮吃雪糕自己彩繪臉全都是沙的遊戲場

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little cookSSM13532evergreenyellow and green玩沙squirrel吸地板Do you see the rainbow made by sand?ready to goSSM13526SSM13527SSM13563SSM13569circle the messSt.Michael's Primary schoolred housechimneySSM13506SSM13531daisySSM13542SSM13560容容蓋的沙印玩沙reflection2Trees容在畫doing balletgull on boardcolours玩植物的一天 002玩植物的一天 017玩植物的一天 020玩植物的一天 026傷口

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little cook 吸地板 Do you see the rainbow made by sand? SSM13525 SSM13532 SSM13541 SSM13563 SSM13569 SSM13577 SSM13582 before haircut after haircut yellow and green

_uacct = "UA-1522767-1"; urchinTracker();

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SSM12882龍玉 and 容容容容的塗鴉SSM13092SSM13080
SSM12884Taiwanese mushroom and meat sauceSSM12886rong wearing sunglass

SSM12946 SSM12948 SSM12950 SSM12951 SSM12953 SSM12958 SSM12959 SSM12961 SSM12962 SSM12963 SSM12963 SSM12964
SSM13065 SSM13066 SSM13067 SSM13069 SSM13071 SSM13078 SSM13080 SSM13081 SSM13086 SSM13087 SSM13088 SSM13090 SSM13092 SSM13093 SSM13095 SSM13096 SSM13097 SSM13105 SSM13106 SSM13105 SSM13106 SSM13108 SSM13110 SSM13111 SSM13113 SSM13114 SSM13115 SSM13116 SSM13117 SSM13118 SSM13119 SSM13121 SSM13122 SSM13124 SSM13125 SSM13128 SSM13130 SSM13131 SSM13132 SSM13133 SSM13135 SSM13136 SSM13137 SSM13139 SSM13140 SSM13141 SSM13142SSM13145
倫敦塔 倫敦塔橋上 橋塔上眺望新市政廳 橋塔上眺望泰晤士河左岸 泰晤士河 塔橋的空中走廊 倫敦塔橋 塔橋引擎室的展覽品 倫敦塔橋 倫敦塔橋倫敦塔橋 新市政廳週邊都是玻璃大樓 新市政廳 泰晤士河右岸 大英博物館 宏偉的博物館建築 大英博物館大廳 大英博物館大廳 埃及展覽間 埃及展覽間 大英博物館大廳 大英博物館大廳 大英博物館大廳 大英博物館大廳 "倫敦眼"摩天輪 二戰紀念碑 泰晤士河左岸 國會大廈大笨鐘 國會大廈 SSM13355 St. James 公園 St. James 公園 白金漢宮宮前大道 宮前大道 Buckingham Palace Changing the Guard SSM13372 SSM13373 SSM13374 SSM13375 SSM13376 SSM13378 SSM13379 SSM13380 SSM13381 Green Park Chinatown, London SSM13385 SSM13386 SSM13290

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sushisushi with egg wrapBeetroot Gnocchi with Sage Butter積木作品一積木作品二積木作品三積木作品四積木作品五bedtime readingsnail at basilHigh Kingsdown playgroundon seasaw aloneon slide alonelemon cake by shaofu本週蔬菜箱的內容積木作品六 (父子合作)軌道和積木 (父子合作)高架軌道積木作品七積木作品八阿嬤寄來的玩具阿嬤寄來的書阿嬤做的紙鶴吊飾改用布尿布(Slim Minky)我穿布尿布(Disana Tie On)他說:這是crocodile的牙齒和眼睛my playground 就是要這麼亂幫Lala穿手套跟Lala躺在一起我和桃子派

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a poseblockswatching TVa pose in sandpita big smile in sandpitplaying in sandpit在超小淋浴間也可以泡澡喔大寶寶

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Castle Parka street performera church near corn st.near corn st.Oxford University 01New Colleage of Oxford UniversityDining Hall of New College of Oxforda view from New College of Oxford 01a view from New College of Oxford 02a view from New College of Oxford 03a street in Oxford City

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with ScarerowhaircutI want to play that....brushing teethA package from grandma in Taiwanwalk by my self和toto出去玩That's the way I play with stooldry hair by my selfdress up!

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點一下小照片, 即可進入我們用來放照片的另一個網頁, 圖就會比較大囉!

2yrs birthdayplaying ballooncastlepark playgroundmid-autumn nightmid-autumn moonuse chopsticksI love thin-noodlescar-ride in mallin waterfrontlove playing with water

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